Pulse of Asia 2024 Sydney

Emerging Technologies in Clinical Applications of Arterial Haemodynamics Research

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All the information collected in this procedure will be utilized for POA 2024 and we do not share your personal information with otherwise-minded 3rd party organizations. For the details, please find below private policy. If you wish to delete your information, you can request to POA 2024 Secretariat at any time.

Private Policy
Fields marked with an asterisk(*) are mandatory
Fields should be written in English Only.

Account Information

User ID (E-mail) ID Check
Password Please enter your password at least 6 characters
Confirm Password

Personal Information

First Name
Last Name (Family Name)
Telephone No. + Country code/ area code/ subscriber number (e.g.) +82-2-1234567
Mobile No. + Country code/ area code/ subscriber number (e.g.) +82-10-1234567
Fax No. + Country code/ area code/ subscriber number (e.g.) +82-2-1234567
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D-Day 116
Key Dates
30 September 2024
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