Pulse of Asia 2023 Seoul

New Waves for Vascular Health

Abstract Submission

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POA 2023 Seoul invites all interested individuals to submit oral and poster abstracts to share the latest research and review challenging and interesting cases.

abstract submission

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadeline May 26 (Fri), 2023 (18:00 KST)
→ Extended to June 6 (Tue), 2023 (18:00 KST)
Notification of Abstract Acceptance Early June 2023

Presentation Type

On the abstract submission page, you choose one of the types below which best describes your abstract. Authors can submit abstracts for Oral and E-poster. However, the final presentation type of the accepted abstract is under the discretion of Scientific Committee.

  • Oral Presentation
  • e-Poster Presentation

Abstract Topics

  • 1. Basic Science
  • 2. Big data-based scientific approach
  • 3. Clinical Science
  • 4. IT based healthcare device
  • 5. New conceptual vascular device or approach
  • 6. Population Science
  • 7. Others

Submission Guidelines

1 Abstract can only be submitted online through this website.
2 Abstract must be written in English.
3 The complete abstract must not exceed 180 characters for the TITLE and 340 words / 2800 characters for the BODY.
4 Title: capitalize the entire title. Spell out words. Do not use abbreviations.
5 Text: begin the text on a new line.
The text should be arranged to the following headings: objective, design and method, results and conclusions.
6 An optional Figure to support abstracts may be included in your submission.
The figure must be captured in a single jpg file and limited to an image(s) and/or graph(s).
7 You can save and re-edit your abstracts online until you decide to submit them via the abstract system.
8 Corresponding & presenting authors will automatically receive an e-mail confirming the acceptance of his/her abstract.
9 Abstracts must describe original and previously unpublished work.
10 10. The abstract will be published in the abstract book only if the presenting author is registered with full payment by June 28 (Wed), 2023, the pre-registration deadline.
11 If on-line submission is not available, please contact the secretariat at info.POA2023@gmail.com.

abstract submission

D-Day 000
Key Dates
June 28, 2023
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